Collaboration is at the center of most of my research projects. Whereas I am a geologist who is most likely to attack a problem of interest with a satellite image, a field vehicle and a rock hammer, or with seismic reflection profiles, the projects that interest me require the specialty knowledge, skills, and equipment from many other specialists and specialties.
My primary collaborations during 2018-2020 have been with the following geologists, geochemists, hydrogeologists, geophysicists and energy engineers.
Processes Operating at the Surface and in the Subsurface of the Atacama Desert
Linda Godfrey, isotope geochemistry and chemical hydrogeology
Carol de Wet, lacustrine carbonates
Rowena Lohman, radar interferometry
Marco Pfeiffer, soil science
Ron Amundson, soil science
Nicolás Cosentino, isotope geochemistry and geodynamics
Richard Allmendinger, structural geologist
Gabriel González, structural geologist and hazards scientist
Earth History from Sedimentary Rocks and Landforms
Daniel Karig, glacial geology
Nicolás Blanco, geology
Andrés Quezada, geology
Paulina Vásquez, geology
Fernando Sepúlveda, geology
Jason Rech, soil geochemistry and paleoclimatology
Claudio Latorre, paleoecology and biogeochemistry
Resouces of Sedimentary Rocks: Water and Heat
Christian Herrera, hydrogeology
Javier Urrutia, hydrogeology
Patrick Fulton, hydrogeology
Jefferson Tester, energy engineering
Olaf Gustafson, geology and environmental geology
Steve Beyers, energy engineering
Tom Pasquini, subsurface analysis
Matthew Pritchard, geophysics
Koenraad Beckers, energy engineering
Erin Camp, energy analysis and geology
Jared Smith, environmental engineering
Calvin Whealton, environmental engineering